Data Protection
As you may well be aware a new, EU-wide data protection law, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), is coming into force today, 25 May 2018. The underlying principles of this law are not new. Under both the UK's 1998 Data Protection Act and GDPR, organisations must only collect, hold, use and share personal data if they have a lawful basis for doing so and, of course, that personal data must be kept secure. What is new with GDPR is a greater emphasis on transparency and being able to demonstrate compliance with the law.
We are not changing how we collect and process the personal data of our pupils, but in accordance with the requirements of GDPR, we have published a new privacy notice which clearly explains how and why we collect personal data, as well as what we do with it and your rights in relation to data protection. This can be viewed on our website or by clicking on this link here.
It is the Knowledge Schools Trust, rather than the school, that is the data controller in respect of any data processing undertaken by the school, and the Knowledge Schools Trust's policy on Data Protection can be viewed on it's website or by clicking on this link.
In the most part, our lawful basis for holding and using pupils' personal data is to carry out our public task of educating children or to comply with legislation. It is only when we publish photographs of our pupils that we rely on consent being given to do so. As we will already have obtained consent from you for this, there is no need for us to do so again now. However, we should be clear that consent can be withdrawn at any time by letting us know in writing.
We deem it a legitimate interest of the school to promote to and elicit the support of our parents in fundraising activities intended for the enrichment of school life for all pupils. Consequently, we will sometimes communicate with parents, usually through our weekly newsletter, about the activities of the PTA and the Knowledge Schools Foundation Trust, to which many of you generously make regular donations.
Please note that the Knowledge Schools Foundation Trust is an independent organisation from Knowledge Schools Trust and, as such, is required to maintain its own privacy policy. The Foundation Trust only holds personal data of parents who have provided it directly by completing a standing order form and, possibly, a gift aid form. If those parents would like to view the Foundation Trust's privacy policy, they can do so on its website or by clicking on this link.